Why not come and join us for a social ramble in the Surrey Hills?
The plan is to meet at a pub and then walk up the Tillingbourne Valley to Leith Hill Tower, the highest point in southern England. At the Tower we can fortify ourselves with refresments and snacks and maybe a climb up to the top of the tower (£3 for non NT Members) before heading down to the village of Broadmoor. From there we will cross over to Friday Street with it's Mill Pond.
We will continue our ramble down the Friday Street valley and pass Wotton House, the home of the diarist John Evelyn.
A short stroll from there and we will be back where we started, at the Pub where we can stop to have some well earned refreshments and something to eat. (Total distance about 7.5 miles)
Sunday 1st September
Meet at 09:45
The Wotton Hatch Hotel
We hope you can join us, if you are coming please let us know in the comments below.
Dogs welcome, there are a couple of sections of quiet country lanes where the dogs need to be on leads.
Kallie and I will hopefully be there :)
Hi Howard,
Thanks for the invite - I am intending to come and hope to see you there.
Cheers, Jane