Happy Easter!
Next Sunday brings our last group survey of the current season. We'll be starting again in late September so if you've not been out with us yet, now's your chance!
We'll be surveying an area around Sherfield-on-Lodden in tandem with our friends from Binfield Badger Group in Berkshire who are joining us this time out. I attended their AGM last Thursday along with Jessica Cross and Nicola Simmonds, who are both committee members of our group and, along with me, members at Binfield. Among other things, we're discussing wounded badger patrols in the Mortimer/Bramley/Silchester areas this Autumn as a combined group and we're keen to work closely with the Binfield folk on that and other plans.
As always, please let me know if you're planning to join us on Sunday so we have an idea of numbers. We'll be meeting at or before 9.45 am for a 10.00 am start. Pllease dress for the weather (could be anything judging by the last few days!), wear some sturdy footwear (it could be boggy in places) and bring yourself something to eat and drink. We'll be aiming to be back in our cars by 2.30 pm.
Sherfield isn't blessed with a huge number of public car parks so if you can car pool with another attendee or two, I'd encourage that. There's a small public car park at Sherfield Common (what3words "fetches.crispier.hooks"), an area just north of the White Hart pub on the right hand side (what3words "eyelashes.greyhound.spires") or you can take your chance in the White Hart pub car park ("crispier.blog.sudden") or down one of the many side roads in the village. We'll assemble at and set off from the Sherfield Common car park at 10 am.
For anyone wondering, we've decided we WILL go ahead with a small number of badger watches in May. Dates and locations are to be confirmed and they'll be publicised on here and offered on a first come, first served basis. Numbers will be limited so as not to stress the folk organising each watch and, more importantly, the badgers in the setts we'll be observing (if they show up!). We're currently settled on 3 locations, 1 of which is a bit off the beaten track, and we may line up a fourth to ensure no sett gets over-visited. Of the 3 we've agreed on to date, one will be in the Hartley Wintney area, one in Fleet and one in Crondall. More to follow in due course.

Of course I'm coming, it is on my doorstep 🤗