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Nick Cole

The Cull Documentary

Badger Trust has been approached by film producer Josh Robertson who is producing a documentary entitled 'The Cull'. The aim of the documentary is to create a moving film that showcases the badger cull, to inspire public support, drive debate, and fuel impactful change to protect badgers and help reverse the decision to cull. It will be looking back over the past decade, to include Dominic Dyer's work and input from a variety of stakeholders involved in the issue. Read the full synopsis of the documentary > Badger Trust is keen that the documentary represents the lived experiences of volunteers and campaigners, badger groups, and supporters – many of whom have an enormous wealth of experience and stories related to the badger cull. The documentary producers have expressed that interviews can be set up with complete anonymity. And they are particularly looking for people who are very passionate about the issue, those who have been involved in the cull for a long time, and/or those with unusual/unique stories. We know some of you fit into that camp and want to make sure your voices are heard. If you are interested in taking part, please contact the producer directly: See Josh's Conservation Conversation website >

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