Lots to read about in here, including next week's Badger Trust AGM (all are welcome to attend so please register if you'd like to be there) and the new online Regional Group meetings (ours is on the 22nd of June and, again, just requires you to register for details).
Dear Badger Group Member
We have some news updates to share with you and a reminder about voting at the AGM for groups who are full members, as well as details of the new Groups Regional Meetings.
Date: Saturday 13th May 2023 Location: St Peter's Hall, Holly Lane, Balsall Common CV7 7EA. A final reminder about the AGM, which is only a week away! Full member groups are able to vote and therefore, if you are unable to attend, please can you consider a proxy vote to ensure there are enough eligible voters present. Proxy votes can be given to anyone who will be attending the AGM, such as a group member from another Badger Group or the Chair of Trustees, for example. It means that you can still have your say if you are unable to attend. To nominate a proxy to vote on your behalf just complete the simple Proxy Form and email it to staff@badgertrust.org.uk Of course, if you are able to attend then we would love to see you, so please be quick and register before 6pm on Thursday 11th May! Full AGM details and how to register! The group session in the afternoon will cover topics that you have told us are priorities right now.
Space For Badgers (Planning & Development)
Overview of the Planning & Development Working Group and their action plan, how this will offer support and guidance to groups and other others. Opportunity for you to ask questions, offer insights into the issues or challenges you are facing, and have an open discussion.
The Cull
Discussion on an action plan for the End the Cull campaign, our new cull report, and how we can be more effective leading up to a General Election at a pivotal time for the future of the cull and bTB policy. Discussion on engagement with farmers and landowners & insight from groups who are already doing this, what are the positives and what are your concerns. HAVE YOUR SAY After the meeting, groups will be sent a written overview of the two discussions, the presentation slides, and the Q&A session. If you are unable to attend, please email any questions you have and they can be discussed at the meeting. groups@badgertrust.org.uk
"We don't think badger culling is the answer" says Shadow Defra Minister. Article published in the Farmer's Guardian with Daniel Zeichner, Labour Shadow Environment Minister written by Rachael Brown. Labour is committed to ‘eradicating’ bovine TB without culling badgers and to consult with farmers on controversial right to roam proposals, but courting rural voters is about more than farmers and landowners. That was the message from Shadow Defra Minister and Cambridge MP Daniel Zeichner who spoke to Farmers Guardian on two of the most divisive topics for the party in rural constituencies. With Labour well ahead in the polls, Mr Zeichner was keen to reassure farmers of his party’s ‘commitment to eradicating bTB’ and said he never ‘underestimates the stress, misery and cost’ this disease brings to a farm and their family. Badger culling When asked on his party’s position on badger culling he said there are ‘other measures much more likely’ to help with eradicating bTB. “We do not think badger culling is the answer. So our position is unchanged on that,” Mr Zeichner said. He highlighted the Godfrey review and said they were unlikely to change the current commitment to end the cull.
These meetings are one of the main things you requested in the latest survey and I am delighted to be starting them, so thank you for your patience. AIM & FORMAT The meetings will be smaller and more informal than the GQM. They will be open forums for groups to connect with each other, ask questions, and discuss important issues. Scheduled for 1.5 hours initially, but flexible for you, so timings will depend on how much or how little you want to talk about. Attendees will be the Groups Coordinator and affiliated group members who have registered to attend. Future meetings can have invited guests including Trustees, Badger Trust Staff, or others to discuss specific topics. WHICH GROUPS For ease and to get a good ratio of groups, England & Wales (incl NI) has been split into 3 for the meetings. * NORTH * (to include: Durham, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Manchester, Derbyshire, Cheshire, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Northern Ireland) Tuesday 6th June 2023, 7pm REGISTER HERE
* WEST & SOUTH WEST * (to include: Wales, West Midlands, Warwickshire, Leicestershire & Rutland, Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, Dorset, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall) Tuesday 20th June 2023, 7pm REGISTER HERE
* EAST & SOUTH EAST * (to include: Bedfordshire, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Berkshire, Hampshire, Isle of Wight). Thursday 22 June 2023, 7pm REGISTER HERE
FLEXIBILITY If you are unable to make your regional meeting, please feel free to let me know and you can, of course, attend another. They should be as convenient for you as possible and be led by issues or topics that you want to talk about. You can email topics you want to discuss in advance at Groups@badgertrust.org.uk or let us know on the day at the meeting. It is up to you! These meetings are for you so please do sign up and I look forward to seeing you!
Dates for your Diary! Next Badger Trust Grant Deadlines Monday 12th June 2023 If you need any advice or support when writing your application, please do get in touch and I will be happy to help you. More detailed grant Information >
If you have any questions about any of the information in the newsletters, need advice or support with something, or just want to chat about your group and badgers, please do contact us! Whatever you're up to for badgers, we'd like to hear about it! Let us know via groups@badgertrust.org.uk and we can profile your wonderful work nationally. Sally Jones Groups Coordinator
