The next Group Survey is already upon us so if you're planning to attend, please get in touch so we have an idea of numbers and can make sure everyone is accounted for on the day!
This month we'll be surveying in the Selborne Common area. We have historic locations for a dozen or so setts in the area which date back to the early 1970's and haven't been visited since the late 1990's so it'll be interesting to see what we discover. The route we've plotted uses public footpaths on National Trust land and should be easily accessible.
We're meeting at 9.45 am for a 10.00 am start in the free public car park behind the Selborne Arms pub in the middle of the High Street in Selborne. As usual, please keep an eye on the weather forecast and dress accordingly, bring some sturdy walking boots or wellies as it's likely we'll encounter some mud and please remember to bring yourself something to eat and drink. Last month's sett survey was an epic test of stamina and endurance and we overran a little (actually a lot!) so we're taking more care to ensure the Selborne adventure will be shorter and that we'll be back at the car park between 2.00/2.30 pm. Hopefully we won't be starting in a monsoon this time out!
Please let us know by Thursday night if you're coming so we can plan accordingly. Thank you!

Count me in for this