As part of its PBA30 campaign, Badger Trust has launched a pre-release Beta version of its NEW Badger Watch App, and we're invited to put it through its paces!
The app has been designed to guide users through a step-by-step process to Recognise, Record and Report badger persecution, and is filled with helpful information on the law and what to do when witnessing badger crime.
Developed by researchers from the University of Exeter, in partnership with Badger Trust and badger group volunteers from Devon and Somerset, the app is currently in its Beta test phase and available to download exclusively for Badger Group members.
Your expert feedback from this test phase will ensure the app is functioning at optimal capacity before we launch it to the public, hopefully on National Badger Day 6th of October! Read more in our article >
We'll be offering an optional informational webinar in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, please send all your feedback and any questions on the Badger Watch app to our Campaigns & Research Manager, Jes Hooper
Are you 'sett' to test Badger Watch?
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