I mentioned this earlier today on our FB page and am pleased to include more details for Group Members in here.
Cull Report Update
We can now confirm that the report will be titled: Tackling Bovine TB Together: Towards Sustainable, Scientific, and Effective bTB Eradication
The report aims to provide an evidence-based overview of the impact of badger culling on disease control, animal welfare, the economy, and the environment. Badger Trust also aims to bring together the voices of those impacted by ineffective disease management.
The report will conclude with recommendations on how the government, farmers, and environmental charities can collectively work together towards a future free from bTB where native wildlife and farming practice can co-exist. I want to share with you the initial Executive Summary, which will be a useful resource for groups like ours looking to engage their local community and MPs with the scientific and policy facts surrounding the failed bTB control strategy. The statistic quoted on page 3 (a 115% cull target increase based on 1 badger found to have bTB) was provided by us and discussed in a meeting between Badger Trust and Defra representatives earlier this week. We'll continue to highlight the facts, the lack of confirmed epidemiology in Hampshire and the obscenity of the badger cull here at every opportunity. Please do read the Executive Summary below.
Read our Executive Summary Whilst the full report is still in development, we will use the Executive Summary to gain interest and support from various stakeholders, including MPs, scientists, environmental and animal welfare NGOs, and the general public. The final report will be published in Autumn 2023 in preparation for the next general election.
What do we need & How can you help WE NEED:
Scientists, veterinarians, and environmental NGOs to sign a letter of support to end badger culling.
Farmers to speak to us about their experiences of bTB so their voices can be heard.
Supporters to write to their MP asking them to support an end to badger culling.
HOW YOU CAN HELP: Badger Groups have been working exceptionally hard over the last decade to build meaningful and trusted relationships with farmers and landowners, working together to monitor setts and vaccinate badgers. We need to include the (anonymous) voices of farmers, particularly those who would support the end of the badger cull and adopt alternative non-lethal measures. Do you know of a landowner or farmer who would:
Send in a written quote explaining their views on how the government could better support farmers to protect their cattle without lethal control of badgers and/or,
Speak with our Campaigns and Research Manager on the telephone and/or
Complete an online survey
If so, please let me know or email jes@badgertrust.org.uk with the contact details of the farmer/landowner, or to discuss this further. Please only do so with permission. We can treat all communications with anonymity as follows:
No farmer or landowner will be required to have their name or location in print.
No personal information beyond their age and the type of farm they run (e.g. dairy, beef, etc) will be asked of them.
We will keep you informed as the report progresses and look forward to sharing updates with you.