If anyone is interested in taking over responsibility for our Twitter account, and setting up an Instagram account to mirror it, please get in touch. You'll need to be a full Group Member.
Our Twitter feeds automatically to this website and the Instagram account can do the same. We'd set you up as an Administrator on our Facebook page as well so posts can be shared across all three platforms.
It's not a huge amount of work and mostly sharing badger related news with the Group. I could do with relinquishing responsibility for it though as I've got an increasing amount of other Group related stuff to focus on and need to start spreading the load.
Edit (22.08.22).
I'm delighted to announce that Matt Cole has taken responsibility for the Group's social media channels with immediate effect. Matt's already set up a new instagram account, taken over the running of our Twitter account and will be running campaigns on both platforms, helping to shape the website and sharing appropriate messages, news and features on the Facebook page.